
Astrobiology School at Observatório Nacional - Online Edition -
October 25th - 26th, 2021

Astrobiology has increasingly attracted the attention of the scientific community as it seeks to understand, in a multidisciplinary way, the origin and evolution of life on our planet and more broadly, the possibility of life in the Universe.

This field of research has been further strengthened in the last decades with the discoveries of nearly 4,800 planets outside the solar system - the exoplanets.

This online edition of the traditional Astrobiology School at Observatório Nacional will have 4 lectures given by renowned experts in the field.

AstrobiONline is mainly aimed at graduate students and researchers working in the field or in related areas.


Dr. Adriana Valio

(Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie)

“Impact of stellar activity on the habitability of exoplanets”

Dr. James Kasting

(Pennsylvania State University)

“The search for life on planets around other stars”

Dr. Mario de Pinna


“Evolutionary processes in biological systems: patterns and rates of change”

Dr. Janet Siefert

(Rice University)

“Space Explorers – The Future of Astrobiology”

The presentations will be broadcast on the Observatório Nacional's Youtube channel.
